Friday, February 20, 2009

Lets Celebrate Travis's 1st Birthday

Ladies we all were their for Chelsea, Joe and Travis when Travis entered this world at 23 weeks. We were all praying he would pull through every obstacle. We cried when he got sick and we cried when he did something wonderful. We all cried and felt such anticipation when Travis went home. Now its time to celebrate this little miracle's first birthday! We are thinking about writing him a letter and having it bound in a book for Chelsea and Joe. Sarah and I were also thinking about sending him birthday cards and anything else you would like to send them. This is time in the works. But we both believe as I am sure you will to that Travis's 1st birthday is nothing short of a miracle. 


  1. Ahhh...makes me want to cry just thinking about when the little guy was born :)


  2. Great idea!! I definitely want to do something special for Travis. Just a little note-- if we are sending gifts etc., to Lindsay's attention, maybe we can each add a few dollars cash to help her with shipping, for when she sends it to Chels-- shipping can get really expensive!

    Melanie (MommyMel05)
